The big imposture …

par Fati's Blog

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    Saudi Arabia pretends to conduct a policy based on God’s Law. They cut the hands of a thief, they behead a murderer and they stone adulterers to death. A barbarian governance, hiding behind false interpretations of Islam. They draw their legitimacy from the fact that they’re the guardians of the two holly cities of Islam, whereas this family represent the cruelest dictatorship in the region.


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    2 commentaires

    Youssef Kabbaj 23 novembre 2018 - 20h50

    I would add that their immense petroleum wealth is another main driver of their legitimacy, as is shown by Trump’s America. Money speaks more than human rights and the freedom of the press.

    Fati's blog 23 novembre 2018 - 21h04

    Indeed they’re some kind of a piggy bag for Trump and America


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